
Showing posts from September, 2020

Birth Story

Here goes… my first blog post… and I couldn’t start anywhere other than our birth story as she’s the reason and inspiration for this blog, and so I dedicate this post to you baby. Honesty spot – I LOVED giving birth. It all began on a Friday morning, Friday 16 th  August 2019 - or did it? Based on my understanding of hypnobirthing (more on this in future posts) the release of oxytocin from a little date night at Pizza Express, followed by childish games at the arcades the night before may have triggered my labour, but regardless, at 39 weeks I was ready. I woke up around 7:30am after an uncomfortable night and with what looked like my ‘show’ in my pyjama bottoms. In hindsight it definitely was, but at the time I was so unsure. I’d been told so many times that you’d just  know  when labour started and I really didn’t! To be on the safe side I text my best friend (very helpfully also a student midwife), mum and husband with a heads up, but carried on with the day I planned starting with